Navigating Tough Hospital Births: A Doula's Story
Being a doula is one of the most rewarding and transformative careers, but it’s not without its challenges. There was one birth in...

How to Build Positive Relationships with Hospital Staff as a Doula
Being a doula means walking into different birth environments, often alongside hospital staff who may not know you or fully understand...

Limiting belief: It's important for doulas to have given birth before becoming a doula
The idea that a having experience being pregnant or giving birth, or giving birth vaginally is a prerequisite to being a good birth doula...

Doula burnout: How to prevent it and how to recover
Why are doulas prone to burnout? What does doula burnout feel like? How can doula burnout be prevented? And how can doulas recover from...

Ever evolving training for modern births
When you study the history of birth over the last 100 years, something becomes apparent. It’s not just where we give birth and who we...

Anxiety, Fear and Worry
It seems like most of my work is around these three emotions. More people identify with being anxious or worriers than not. Everyone has...