Doula course, Reflexology course and Reiki course in one
After years of teaching a conventional doula training program, Michelle Stroud knew she had to step away to invest the time into creating...
Just relax and it will happen - The most triggering words in infertility
This is quite possibly the most commonly offered advice to women experiencing infertility and also the most triggering advice to almost...
Some of the many benefits of fertility doula training
Fertility doula training makes good sense for doulas in regards to business, client needs and fulfilment.
From the Comfort of Home: How Online Doula Training in Canada Offers Flexibility and Access to Education
In today's fast-paced world, finding flexible and accessible education options is becoming increasingly important. This is especially...
Menstrual Irregularities
The first step towards having healthier menstrual cycles is understanding what healthy is. Unfortunately in our society we accept pain,...
The future is holistic
The future is holistic. Holistic thinking considers the whole, the whole person, body mind and spirit. It considers the collective and...
Why my work and my training program is unique
I used to train doulas with a national conventional doula training program. Why I never could again and what I teach now.
Deeper work
I was fascinated when a Hindu astrologer confirmed that my purpose in this life was about my work. I started studying astrology myself to...
12 ways to know you are destined to be a Reproductive Healing Practitioner
Holistic healing work is unique in that not everyone will feel they can learn how to do it. This is work that calls in the people who are...