How much money can a Holistic Practitioner make?
You choose holistic health because you're passionate about helping people and you believe in natural healing. That doesn't mean the...
A holistic guide to morning sickness
In pregnancy, people tend to look for natural remedies for nausea and vomiting. Not all people experience morning sickness in pregnancy,...
Regulation, pros and cons
Oddly, this feels like a controversial post. It feels like a taboo subject that isn't to be spoken about unless you are in support of...
Menstrual Irregularities
The first step towards having healthier menstrual cycles is understanding what healthy is. Unfortunately in our society we accept pain,...
The future is holistic
The future is holistic. Holistic thinking considers the whole, the whole person, body mind and spirit. It considers the collective and...
Helping you build your business in 2022!
Whether you are just starting out as a holistic health practitioner or if you're ready to really expand your business, 2022 is your year...
Insights from the shoulder reflexology point
Yesterday in an online class a student asked me for clarification about what to do when we feel “crunchy” pressure points on the feet. Do...
What you don't know about anxiety
Anxiety, it's not something that happens to you, it is a state of being. What happens when someone is anxious? The sympathetic nervous...