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Energy healing is an extension of emotional support

A doula. A person who provides information, physical and emotional support to a birthing person and their other support people during the prenatal period, during childbirth and postpartum. Reiki. A Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing. From "A treatment feels like a wonderful glowing radiance that flows through and around you. Reiki treats the whole person including body, emotions, mind and spirit creating many beneficial effects that include relaxation and feelings of peace, security and wellbeing. Many have reported miraculous results." Reiki is simple to administer. A Reiki practitioner has received attunements so that Reiki flows through the practitioner to the recipient, usually via the hands. When a birth doula is also attuned to Reiki, emotional support is taken to another level. One can hold space, be present, listen and support clients emotionally while also passing relaxing and healing Reiki energy through the hands or even from across the room or any distance. In fact, once a birth doula has completed Reiki Okuden (second degree), Reiki can be altered so that it specifically offers emotional/mental healing. Anxiety? Fear? Disappointment? Anger? Grief? Reiki gives birth doulas an additional tool to help support clients through their informed decision making as well as the challenges and hardships that are not uncommon to birth.

Reiki sessions offered prenatally have helped my clients cope with changing birth plans, fear and anxiety about childbirth, relationship challenges with friends and family members, relaxation post due date, healing from previous births or losses and anything else that comes up before birth.

Reiki is emotionally beneficial to the birth practitioner too. I focus a lot of energy on teaching birth workers how to ground themselves, clear themselves and protect themselves. When things get a little tense, the more we can nurture our own energy, the better we will be for our clients.

Reiki can also be used to ground, clear and protect the birth space creating a calmer environment. Reiki is subtle but profound. Reiki can cause no harm. Reiki brings an added level of calm, relaxation, confidence, peace and healing to birth.

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