Non-medical Fertility Support: Tanya's words

It's National Infertility Awareness Week. I have invited my past and present fertility clients to share their experience receiving non-medical fertility support to raise awareness about this kind of support and to inspire others to step into this much needed and fulfilling work.
"Michelle helped make our dream of having a baby finally come true . With reflexology, reiki and other fertility advice we were able to conceive again naturally when doctors said IVF would be our only option. With previous losses as well, she helped us to have a full term pregnancy. She was even our doula and helped us welcome our beautiful baby boy!" -Tanya
Every fertility journey is so unique. Some journey's are short while others can be very long. Sometimes we are supporting clients through experiences with loss(es). The transformation and growth that comes through these challenging experiences is always beautiful in the end. So much opportunity for growth and healing.
I think all doulas can agree that there is something special about little humans who we connect with by being present at their birth. The fertility journey makes that connection even a little more special. I get to connect with babies before they incarnate in physical form. I connect with the vision that their parents hold, the hope, the want, the grief, the work that went into this amazing creation. If you are a past or present Fertility Client and you would like to share your story or experience receiving non-medical fertility support, your story may motivate others to seek out similar support or inspire someone to learn how they can offer similar support in their community. Submit your words. Learn more about training.