Discipline and motivation for holistic entrepreneurs - Part two
Tips for reflexology, Reiki and doula business success

Whether you are working towards completing a reflexology, Reiki or doula course or doing what you need to do to build your holistic health business, it takes discipline and motivation to achieve your goals.
There's no boss to tell you what your schedule is and hold you accountable for getting your job done. You are the boss. That's one of the main reasons people choose to become a holistic health entrepreneur and it can also be one of the greatest challenges.
Here are some tips to help you crush your goals and find success and abundance doing what you love.
Keep a realistic could do list of your priorities and the tasks you need to complete. Building a website, starting an email list, finding relaxing music for your sessions or buying some decor for your treatment room might all go on the list. Don't let yourself get overwhelmed. Choose time sensitive tasks first and always celebrate your accomplishments. It can be easy to always stay focused on what still needs to be done. We need to also give ourselves credit for what we've crossed off.
Figure out what time of day is your most productive time of day for tasks that require creativity or focus. If 1pm is a low energy time of day, don't waste your time trying to figure out a problem with our website in the afternoon. If you wake up feeling excited and inspired, use this window of time to be productive. When I was just starting out, I found I could build an entire website between the hours of 11pm and 4am. I don't know what it was about that time, but I felt like I could get 3 days of work done in one late night.
Schedule time for admin tasks like responding to emails, studying, creating content or updating your website. Put this time on your calendar and prioritize it. It's easy to ignore these pre-scheduled work times for other priorities like family or rest but resist the tendency to do that. Stick to your schedule and your business will reward you later.
Change up the scenery. Make challenging or annoying tasks more enjoyable by treating yourself to a change of environment. I wrote a lot of our curriculum at a cottage where I had no cell phone service and no internet. This eliminated all possible distractions. I took my breaks by walking in nature or eating food I prepared in advance. Nobody was there to pull me away from the task at hand. Take your computer to a coffee shop to respond to emails or create some content while enjoying a treat.
Start a "Yay! Group". Find 2 or 3 other small business owners or students and schedule regular time to meet in person or online. Start your meetings by celebrating 3 things you've each accomplished since the last time you met. Maybe you finished your website. Maybe you got 3 new clients. Maybe you quit your day job. Having other people to reflect on what is going well with gives you energy and a feeling of being supported. Use the rest of the meetings to brainstorm or talk about challenges together. The most successful entrepreneurs are surrounded by people who are cheering them on or there for support when it's hard.
Building a holistic business can be a lot of fun! It's a wonderful opportunity to push yourself, learn new skills and expand your abilities both in the modalities that you offer and in business too.
What tips work for you in your studies or small business? What new tips are you going to implement?
I found this after I just posted about needing help with goals.