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Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique. A complimentary modality.

There's a modality that I added to my reflexology and Reiki business four years ago that compliments what I do and provides an additional stream of income. This modality is a lot of fun, it has a unique market that is actively seeking it out and it's so expansive and healing for our clients. It's a wonderful way for people to get to really understand who they are on a deeper level.

This modality is called Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique or QHHT. It was developed by Delores Cannon who practiced it with clients from all over the world for 40 years until she passed away in 2014. She published 19 books using the information she learned from her sessions with clients and the people who read her books often want to experience QHHT for themselves.

Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique is a deep relaxation method that gives people access to past life memories from the superconscious mind. During these sessions clients can also ask questions of themselves (that they've provided to the practitioner) to get answers about life's purpose, what they're here to learn, what they were supposed to learn in a past life, about their relationships, career and more.

This technique uses natural states that we already experience every day and teaches people how powerful their mind is if they learn how to use it with intention.

I love offering QHHT sessions in addition to my reflexology and Reiki sessions because it adds something unique for the spiritually curious. It also draws new clients to my practice who are familiar with QHHT who then become clients of the other modalities I offer as well.

Just like at By the Moon, you can pay your tuition in one payment or they offer a payment plan. If you would like to experience a QHHT session in Belleville, visit my local practice website:

If you're interested in QHHT training for yourself, I highly recommend! The course is enlightening, you can complete it at your own pace, and they provide an amazing forum of experienced practitioners from all over the world to answer any questions you have as you develop your skill. I'm always happy to connect with QHHT practitioners too! Click the image below to learn more and use the code SPREADLOVE to save 10% on your tuition!

A hypnosis practitioner and client with a discount code SPREADLOVE



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